Linen Care Secrets

One of the most favorite and cool summer fabrics, linens are integral parts of every woman’s wardrobe. To highlight in the best way both their natural weave and their unique style, we just have to follow some smart secrets that will keep them new and beautiful!

  1. They can be washed both in the washing machine and by hand. The secret is the temperature of the water. A warm temperature or cold water
    is the best choice. However, if our linens have strong or dark colors, we prefer cold water, in order to protect them from the risk of fading.
  2. We choose a green soap that comes free with every olive oil collection. We avoid using a softener even if they are white, we do not use any kind of bleach. In cases that have yellowed locally or have older stains, we choose a mild detergent formula with oxygen.
  3. We do not rub linen fabrics with force and do not wring them if we wash them by hand. In the washing machine, we choose a light program for delicates and make sure not to wash them together with other items.
  4. Also, we pay attention to the way we will spread them: We avoid folders, hangers and pegs, while it is preferable to dry them on a towel – ideally in a horizontal position! 
  5. And we move on to ironing. The secret here is to start ironing while our linen clothes are still fresh.Anti-wrinkle treated linens do not require ironing.
  6. We do not use plastic bags or paper boxes to store them. Ideally, a dry
    place without moisture, but at the same time in a place where the air is
    allowed to renew, so that our favorite linen ensembles can maintain their
    natural freedom by breathing effortlessly!


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